Hotline: 984 0000 903

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some of the frequently asked questions that might help you solve your queries. Almost all questions related to us are mentioned below. If they don't satisfy you don't hesitate to contact us by logging at contact page.

Services Queries And Management

Our provided services have an expiry date of an year. So, you should recharge or renew your account after an year.
First choose any service that you want to have, then contact us at our contact page and then leave the rest for us.

Purchasing & Downloading Items

Anytime you want from our store provided that you have already downloaded it before.
First of alll, choose any designs that you think is appropriate and contact us at the contact page and leave the rest for us.
You can pay using Debit/Credit card or several online baking/ payment system.
No, our system isn't that complicated. Just contact us and leave the rest for us.